控制大鳳蝶限性擬態與多態性的超基因 doublesex 的序列檢測與演化

原文標題:Identification of doublesex alleles associated with the female-limited Batesian mimicry polymorphism in Papilio memnon (open access)


The female-limited Batesian mimicry polymorphism in Papilio butterflies is an intriguing system for investigating the mechanism of maintenance of genetic polymorphisms. In Papilio polytes, an autosomal region encompassing the sex-determinant gene doublesex controls female-limited mimicry polymorphism. In the closely related species P. memnon, which also exhibits female-limited Batesian mimicry polymorphism, we identified two allelic sequences of the doublesex gene that corresponded exactly with the mimetic and non-mimetic female phenotypes. Thus, the genetic basis of the mimicry polymorphism in P. memnon is similar to that in P. polytes. However, the mimetic and non-mimetic alleles of the two species were not identical, and the divergence of alleles occurred independently in P. memnon and P. polytes. Different mutation-selection processes may have resulted in the convergent patterns of mimicry polymorphism in these Papilio butterflies.

自從控制非洲的白鳳蝶 (Papilio dardanus) 的雌性限性擬態/多態性翅紋的基因座發現後,來到2014年,控制玉帶鳳蝶雌性限性擬態/多態性的超基因 doublesex 的序列與機制也被發掘出來 (可參考這篇文章這個新聞) 。那麼有著類似斑紋變化,同樣是經典的擬態案例的大鳳蝶呢?

同樣是京都大學的曾田貞滋教授團隊與師大生科系的林仲平教授合作的研究,在這篇文章中,他們發現控制大鳳蝶的超基因與玉帶鳳蝶相似,都位於doublesex這個基因座上,也有表現擬態的顯性 (H) 與隱性 (h)。然而,雖然大鳳蝶與玉帶鳳蝶是同一個亞屬,但兩種目的基因的序列並不相同,而且系統發生學的分析顯示兩者間的基因來源是獨立演化而來。



