大杜鵑 (Cuculus canorus) photo: Planet of Birds |
標題:A shared chemical basis of avian host−parasite egg colour mimicry
Avian brood parasites lay their eggs in other birds’ nests and impose considerable fitness costs on their hosts. Historically and scientifically, the best studied example of circumventing host defences is the mimicry of host eggshell colour by the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). Yet the chemical basis of eggshell colour similarity, which impacts hosts’ tolerance towards parasitic eggs, remains unknown. We tested the alternative scenarios that (i) cuckoos replicate host egg pigment chemistry, or (ii) cuckoos use alternative mechanisms to produce a similar perceptual effect to mimic host egg appearance. In parallel with patterns of similarity in avian-perceived colour mimicry, the concentrations of the two key eggshell pigments, biliverdin and protoporphyrin, were most similar between the cuckoo host-races and their respective hosts. Thus, the chemical basis of avian host–parasite egg colour mimicry is evolutionarily conserved, but also intraspecifically flexible. These analyses of pigment composition reveal a novel proximate dimension of coevolutionary interactions between avian brood parasites and hosts, and imply that alternative phenotypes may arise by the modifications of already existing biochemical and physiological mechanisms and pathways.
Fig. 1 大杜鵑在匈牙利、芬蘭與捷克的蛋與當地寄主的相似度 |
大杜鵑 (Cuculus canorus) 是一種從內而外,從頭到尾都模仿其他物種的鳥類,成體的外觀類似某些雀鷹,牠們的鳥蛋能夠藉著擬態各種不同其他的鳥類的蛋,下在其他鳥類的窩裡,利用其他鳥類的資源來培養牠們的後代,其生活史幾乎可以說是寄生在其他鳥類的資源上,這個現象自然引起科學家對杜鵑濃厚的興趣,認為這無論是研究行為或演化,都是十分適合的生物模型。
Fig. 2 光譜分析結果 |
Fig. 3 化學成分分析結果 |