美洲知更鳥 (Turdus migratorius) photo: American robin (wiki) |
Avian brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, and impose the costs associated with rearing parasitic young onto these hosts.Many hosts of brood parasites defend against parasitism by removing foreign eggs from the nest. In systems where parasitic eggs mimic host eggs in coloration and patterning, extensive intraclutch variation in egg appearances may impair the host’s ability to recognize and reject parasitic eggs, but experimental investigation of this effect has produced conflicting results. The cognitive mechanism by which hosts recognize parasitic eggs may vary across brood parasite hosts, and this may explain variation in experimental outcome across studies investigating egg rejection in hosts of egg-mimicking brood parasites. In contrast, for hosts of non-egg-mimetic parasites, intraclutch egg color variation is not predicted to co-vary with foreign egg rejection, irrespective of cognitive mechanism. Here we tested for effects of intraclutch egg color variation in a host of nonmimetic brood parasite by manipulating egg color in American robins (Turdus migratorius), hosts of brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater).We recorded robins’ behav- ioral responses to simulated cowbird parasitism in nests where color variation was artificially enhanced or reduced. We also quantified egg color variation within and between unmanipu- lated robin clutches as perceived by robins themselves using spectrophotometric measures and avian visual modeling. In unmanipulated nests, egg color varied more between than within robin clutches. As predicted, however, manipulation of color variation did not affect rejection rates. Overall, our results best support the scenario wherein egg rejection is the outcome of selective pressure by a nonmimetic brood parasite, because robins are efficient rejecters of foreign eggs, irrespective of the color variation within their own clutch.
褐頭牛鸝 (Molothrus ater) photo: Brown-headed cowbird (wiki) |
褐頭牛鸝與美洲知更鳥的蛋 photo: Don Johnston |
褐頭牛鸝 (Molothrus ater) 就是一種四處到別人家裡生蛋的鳥,而這種鳥的蛋就屬於完全不擬態的鳥蛋。其中的寄主之一,美洲知更鳥 (American robin, Turdus migratorius) 則是能夠高度排除褐頭牛鸝的鳥蛋,有時甚至能達到完全排除。但美國知更鳥的蛋與褐頭牛鸝的蛋差異很大,美國知更鳥之所以能有效率的排除外來的蛋,是因為其認知系統很強大到無論如何都能夠辨識並排除,或是單純的只是因為這顆蛋差異很大很奇怪,因此排除這顆鐵定與我無關的蛋?
Fig. 1 實驗進行所使用的鳥蛋顏色與反射光譜數據 |
Fig. 2 增加或減少鳥蛋顏色的條件下,知更鳥排除的比例 |