[Article] 被擬態者/擬態者間頻度波動對於種內擬態系統訊號精確度的影響

[Article] 被擬態者/擬態者間頻度波動對於種內擬態系統訊號精確度的影響
photo from http://bugguide.net/node/view/130032/bgimage

原文標題: Frequency-dependent variation in mimetic fidelity in an intraspecific mimicry system

[摘要] [原文網址]
Contemporary theory predicts that the degree of mimetic similarity of mimics towards their model should increase as the mimic/model ratio increases. Thus, when the mimic/model ratio is high, then the mimic has to resemble the model very closely to still gain protection from the signal receiver. To date, empirical evidence of this effect is limited to a single example where mimicry occurs between species. Here, for the first time, we test whether mimetic fidelity varies with mimic/model ratios in an intraspecific mimicry system, in which signal receivers are the same species as the mimics and models. To this end, we studied a polymorphic damselfly with a single male phenotype and two female morphs, in which one morph resembles the male phenotype while the other does not. Phenotypic similarity of males to both female morphs was quantified using morphometric data for multiple populations with varying mimic/model ratios repeated over a 3 year period. Our results demonstrate that male-like females were overall closer in size to males than the other female morph. Furthermore, the extent of morphological similarity between male-like females and males, measured as Mahalanobis distances, was frequency-dependent in the direction predicted. Hence, this study provides direct quantitative support for the prediction that the mimetic similarity of mimics to their models increases as the mimic/model ratio increases. We suggest that the phenomenon may be widespread in a range of mimicry systems.

本篇文章利用北美的豆娘 Nehalennia irene 進行實驗,這種豆娘是雄性單型性,雌性雙型性,而雌性的兩型中有一型是雄性型(andromorph),另一種則為非雄性型(gynomorph),而雄性型的相似度會隨著季節與族群有所變動。雄性型雌性有一個假說是雌性是為了避免增加不必要的雄性求偶次數,這篇文章的作者認為這樣的現象是種內擬態(intraspecific mimicry)。


