[Article] 警戒色內顏色的邊界組成對於警戒訊號的益處
原文標題:Evidence of signaling benefits to contrasting internal color boundaries in warning coloration
It has been suggested that the common existence of regular patterning in aposematic prey animals makes them “stand out” from the background, improving detection and recognition. Another suggestion is that internal patterns could have a similar positive effect on predator aversion learning as prey-to-background contrast. We used wild caught blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) and artificial prey signals to investigate if internal color boundaries, pattern regularity and pattern symmetry affect learning. Birds in different treatments were trained, on a complex background, to discriminate between artificial prey with different nonrewarding color stimuli with a black pattern and rewarding stimuli without a black pattern, followed by a generalization test. This study provides evidence of learning benefits to internally contrasting patterns as the striped prey stimuli were learned faster than the unstriped. Also, we found no beneficial effects of pattern regularity and symmetry. The birds generalized more between prey with different black patterns than to the profitable prey, suggesting that color is of foremost importance. The generalization test also showed a greater avoidance of striped than that of unstriped prey, suggesting some attention on patterns. Thus, internal patterning may affect signal salience and in some circumstances benefit prey due to both a faster avoidance learning and generalization behavior.
簡單說明一下這篇文章大概在幹嘛,警戒色這東西就比較大眾化的了解,不外乎就是顏色很鮮豔,也就是跟背景對比明顯,容易被捕食者發現,捕食者知道這東西不能吃這樣,可是我們可以發現自然界中並不是每種有警戒斑紋的東西長得都一樣,有的條紋一樣顏色不一樣,有的顏色一樣花紋不一樣,有的對稱有的不對稱,那麼怎樣的組合才是能有最大效益的,就是這篇文章討論的重點,而其實這篇文章的作者Gabriella Gamberale-Stille有一系列的文章在討論這個問題,容我未來慢慢介紹。
這篇文章實驗方式就是用野外抓來的藍山雀(blue tits),經由訓練吃食人工餌料後用來作實驗,而人工餌料的設計是這樣的