
photo from what-when-how

標題:Costs of Learning and the Evolution of Mimetic Signals.


Predators must use the appearance of their prey to decide whether it is likely to be defended. Most theory assumes that predators have completed learning about prey appearance, yet we do not understand how predators learn which aspects of appearance to use for classifying prey. If sampling prey can be risky, predators might forgo opportunities to learn about the relationship between prey appearance and defense. Using Bayesian inference and dynamic programming, we modeled how the immediate risks and future rewards of learning about prey appearance influence how predators learn. In addition, we explored how variation in predator learning affects the evolution of mimicry, which occurs when two prey evolve to share a common signal to predators. We found that when learning about prey with distinct appearances was expensive, optimal predators tended to lump them into the same category or exhibit an unwillingness to sample at all (neophobia). This resulted in a reduction in selection for defensive mimicry. However, the same predator behavior favored the evolution of aggressive mimicry, because in that case, mimics benefited from being sampled. When prey were very rare and costs of sampling them were high, predators exhibited neophobia, refusing to attack. This behavior could forestall the evolution of mimicry and instead select for polymorphism.


捕食者在面對具有警戒性/擬態訊號的獵物時,吃了,可能會拉肚子甚至喪命,不吃,浪費了難得可以得到能量的機會,在這中間捕食者時如何評估獲得(reward)與學習的消耗(cost),這會如何對獵物產生影響,就是這篇文章所要探討的。作者評估了一些因子,建立了一些模型,跑了一些模擬(過程很複雜也很難,容我跳過),得到的結論是捕食者對於分辨兩個長的很像的東西的代價是非常昂貴的,可以想像一下,捕食者首先要先學到兩種獵物,如果是貝氏擬態,牠要分辨這個物種是不是能吃的那個,如果是穆氏擬態,要學到兩邊都不能吃,更別提如果環境中同時存在兩個系統,光在那邊學半天餓都餓死了。因此模擬出來的結果顯示,捕食者傾向把這類的獵物通通歸類於不能吃的那邊(也就是恐新症,neophobia),這就讓擬態的斑紋有演化的空間了。此外,作者發現侵略性擬態(aggressive mimicry)也有類似的趨勢。
