Heliconius sara photo from wiki
Mimoides pausanias photo from Butterflies of America
標題:A bird's eye view of two mimetic tropical butterflies: coloration matches predator's sensitivity
Unprofitable prey with conspicuous warning signals are often mimicked by other species, which then gain protection from predators. How closely two mimetic spe- cies resemble one another depends upon the visual perception of the signal recei- ver. However, most studies of mimetic coloration have been conducted using only the human visual system, which differs greatly from that of most animals. To bet- ter understand mimicry, we should study mimetic visual signals through the eyes of the intended receiver. Here, we use avian visual models to test predictions of putative Batesian mimicry in two Amazonian butterflies, Mimoides pausanias and Heliconius sara. We calculated Just Noticeable Differences (JNDs) and tetrahedral color volumes for 11 different patches: iridescent blue, yellow bars, red spots and black background. Several color patches were not visually discriminable for both avian visual systems (UV/VIS and V/VIS), and visual discrimination (i.e. degree of mimicry) of color patches depended upon the avian visual system. These two but- terfly species are more mimetic when viewed by their likely avian predators, which have V/VIS vision. Therefore, this mimetic assemblage may have evolved to be more spectrally accurate in the non-UV wavelengths which their avian predators are able to see. However, while many color patches of the two species were mod- eled to be difficult to discriminate, most color patches were not perfect matches regardless of visual system, and several patches were very poor mimics. Through this study we demonstrate the importance of testing putative mimetic assemblages using known predator perceptual models and lay a foundation for behavioral studies to further test mimicry in H. sara and M. pausanius.
藍山雀 Parus caeruleus photo from wiki
藍孔雀 Pavo cristatus photo from wiki
為了避免只是人類想像的邏輯謬誤,這個研究就討論了擬態群的的顏色捕食者到底看不看的到,這篇的邏輯跟這篇有點類似,就是量測樣本的反射光譜,然後套用進某個捕食者的視覺模式,然後統計是否到達捕食者視覺的閥值,如果過了閥值就是看的到。作者討論了兩個視覺系統,主要的差異在於是某有紫外光視覺(UV sensitive),代表看的到UV光的代表是分佈在歐洲的藍山雀(見上上圖),代表一般可見光的是分佈在印度的藍孔雀(見上圖),而討論的擬態群是一個貝氏擬態關係,分佈在南美洲的一種毒蝶 Heliconius sara與一種鳳蝶 Mimoides pausanias。測試的結果是這個斑紋的演化比較傾向一般可見光視覺看的到的,看起明顯擬態的部分光譜相似,可是在其他區域的顏色卻相似度很低。這個結果也就顯示這樣的斑紋演化出來,或者是推動這樣的演化的推手,應該是沒有UV視覺的物種,也幫助未來的研究討論十分精緻的演化細節時,能夠縮小搜索的物種範圍。(但有個疑慮,這不代表有UV視覺的物種就看不到這些斑紋,或看起來就不像)