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Aggressive mimicry is an adaptive tactic of parasitic or predatory species that closely resemble inoffensive models in order to increase fitness via predatory gains. Although similarity of distantly related species is often intuitively implicated with mimicry, the exact mechanisms and evolutionary causes remain elusive in many cases. Here, we report a complex aggressive mimicry strategy in Plecodus straeleni, a scale-eating cichlid fish from Lake Tanganyika, which imitates two other cichlid species. Employing targeted sequencing on ingested scales, we show that P. straeleni does not preferentially parasitize its models but—contrary to prevailing assumptions—targets a variety of co-occurring dissimilar looking fish species. Combined with tests for visual resemblance and visual modelling from a prey perspective, our results suggest that complex interactions among different cichlid species are involved in this mimicry system.
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侵略性擬態的食鱗魚-斯氏織麗鯛 (Plecodus straeleni)與其被擬態者六帶新亮麗鯛(=坦桑尼亞金六間,Neolamprologus sexfasciatus) 與 駝背非鯽 (=藍六間,Cyphotilapia gibberosa)
這個例子說的是非洲坦湖的慈鯛,其中的食鱗魚-斯氏織麗鯛(又稱食鱗惡魔、變色龍食鱗魚),被認為是擬態六帶新亮麗鯛(又稱五間半、金六間)與駝背非鯽(六間),如果這個侵略性擬態關係為真,那麼這個食鱗魚理論上就應該會混在這兩種慈鯛的魚群裡,並且特定只吃這兩種魚的魚鱗。這個團隊想要測試這個假設,就把斯氏織麗鯛胃中的魚鱗拿來用分子鑑定的方式分析,發現不只這兩種魚,居然鑑定出43不同的慈鯛 (見補充資料),可以代表總共12的支系裡的10個支系。其中更發現某一個樣本的胃中更是鑑定出高達9種不同的魚鱗,而不同個體間魚的種類的重疊程度更是只有0.5-15%,顯示這個擬態者的食性其實很廣泛。