
photo: Encyclopedia of Science
標題:Stimulus Salience as an Explanation for Imperfect Mimicry


The theory of mimicry explains how a mimic species gains advantage by resembling a model species [1–3]. Selection for increased mimic-model similarity should then result in accurate mimicry, yet there are many surprising examples of poor mimicry in the natural world [4–8]. The existence of imperfect mimics remains a major unsolved conundrum. We propose and experimentally test a novel explanation of the phenomenon. We argue that predators perceive prey as having several traits, but that the traits differ in their importance for learning. When predators learn to discriminate prey, high-salience traits overshadow other traits, leaving them under little or no selection for similarity, and allow imperfect mimicry to succeed. We tested this idea experimentally, using blue tits as predators and artificial prey with three prominent traits: color, pattern, and shape. We found that otherwise imperfect color mimics were avoided about as much as perfect mimics, whereas pattern and shape mimics did not gain from their similarity to the model. All traits could separately be perceived and learned by the predators, but the color trait was learned at a higher rate, implying that it had higher salience. We conclude that difference in salience between components of prey appearance is of major importance in explaining imperfect mimicry.



還是那一句,事情永遠不會是我們想得那麼簡單。我們就是會看見像食蚜蠅(hoverfly)這種有很像也有很不像的類群,看起來像什麼但實際上什麼也不像的,我們就稱為不完美擬態(imperfect mimicry)。很多的研究討論過不完美擬態,無論是從演化,或是從行為,都有證據支持這種程度的不像已經足以提供某種程度的保護,但是仔細一想,這些雖然是不完美擬態,卻總是分享某些相似的視覺訊號,以食蚜蠅為例,至少腹部的黑黃條紋會讓人聯想到某些蜂,如果是這樣的話,有個假說就產生了:捕食者會不會就是只認某些斑紋,其他地方長怎樣就不管了,因此自然界中才會有看起來很不像的擬態者?

Fig. 1 實驗中設計的有報酬與沒報酬的人工符號
Fig. S1 實際上進行的實驗設計
作者群基於這個想法,以藍山雀 (Cyanistes caeruleus) 做為捕食者,設計如上圖的符號,包含三個主要素:形狀、顏色、符號,進行實驗時給牠看有報酬(mimic)與沒報酬(model)的訊號,第二次進行試驗時分別以三個要素測試,看藍山雀會比較避免取食符合哪個要素的人工餌料。簡單的說,預期的結果是如果捕食者看整體,那麼完美擬態的應該被留下最多,如果只看顏色,那麼與沒報酬(model)的應該被留下最多,顏色、符號也是相同的道理。

實驗中使用的捕食者藍山雀 (Cyanistes caeruleus)
photo: rspb

