Fig. 1 基因入侵與祖先多態的兩個對立假設 |
Hybridization has the potential to transfer beneficial alleles across species boundaries, and there are a growing number of examples in which this has apparently occurred. Recent studies suggest that Heliconius butterflies have transferred wing pattern mimicry alleles between species via hybridiz- ation, but ancestral polymorphism could also produce a signature of shared ancestry around mimicry genes. To distinguish between these alternative hypotheses, we measured DNA sequence divergence around putatively introgressed mimicry loci and compared this with the rest of the genome. Our results reveal that putatively introgressed regions show strongly reduced sequence divergence between co-mimetic species, suggesting that their divergence times are younger than the rest of the genome. This is con- sistent with introgression and not ancestral variation. We further show that this signature of introgression occurs at sites throughout the genome, not just around mimicry genes.
南美洲的毒蝶 (Heliconius)在2012年的Nature刊出透過12669個基因討論毒蝶基因體演化的文章,發現三個共擬態的物種H. melpomene, H. timereta與H. elevatus間控制擬態的基因會互相交換,在那篇文章中的毒蝶團隊因此推測新的物種可能藉由種間雜交,得到擬態斑紋的基因,而加入擬態群。雖說偵測到這個現象,但斑紋的多樣性來源還是個謎團,是透過雜交後產生的迅速演化?或是這些基因演化早期就已經交換,只是隨著物種分化,造就擬態斑紋的多樣性?
Fig. 2 基因分化程度的比較 |
作者群比較兩個共域的擬態群 H. melpomene amaryllis/H. timereta ssp. nov (ama-tim),H. m. aglaope/H. t. florencia (agl-tim),以及將H. m. amaryllis/H. m. aglaope (agl-ama) 做為異域族群,比較其分化的程度。比較的基因是B/D與N/Yb兩個控制擬態斑紋的基因座,以及其他基因體的基因座。統計的結果發現控制擬態斑紋基因的分化比較接近基因入侵的模型,如果把擬態基因排除後分析的話,也同樣發現顯著較低的基因分化,顯示除了控制擬態的基因外,也有其他的基因有種間或族群間滲漏的現象。這個結果也就再次支持2012年的假設,也同時發現更多基因在物種間交換。