
大杜鵑 (Cuculus canorus)
photo from ouse washes
標題:Hawk models, hawk mimics, and antipredator behavior of prey.


Prey typically respond to potential predators by taking flight. This results in an optimal flight initiation distance (FID) at which the risk of remaining and the cost of flight are equal. Thus, FID is strongly negatively correlated with susceptibility to predation by the sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus across species of small European birds. However, not everything that looks like a hawk is in fact a hawk. Aggressive mimicry arises from the resemblance between a dangerous model such as a predatory hawk and an innocuous mimic such as a cuckoo that makes errors made by individuals that encounter models and mimics potentially dangerous and life threatening. A prime example of such aggressive mimicry is the hawk-like appearance of common cuckoos Cuculus canorus and other cuckoos. If mimicry is efficient, we should expect that species of small birds that are prey of hawks and hosts of cuckoos react just as strongly to a cuckoo as to the presence of a dangerous model like a sparrowhawk. We used FID of small birds as a measure of the reaction of prey to models and mimics, predicting that FID would be negatively related to susceptibility to predation and positively to risk of cuckoo parasitism. Both susceptibility to sparrowhawk predation and rate of brood parasitism by the common cuckoo independently explained variation in FID, consistent with the expectation that both hawks and cuckoos have imposed significant selection pressures on FID and that species of small birds perceive cuckoos as true mimics of hawks.



對於野外一天到晚被人盯著瞧,隨時可能被吃掉的物種來說,隨時隨地都可能遇到天敵,但不是隨時隨地都有力氣可以跑,如果太早跑反而提早被發現,因此這些物種會評估到底捕食者離我多近才要跑,這稱為flight initiation distance (FID),也可以叫做初始逃跑距離,就是捕食者離我到多近的食後才開始逃跑。那麼為什麼會有這個距離呢?因為有些獵物身上有些隱蔽色或有些警戒色之類用來躲避天敵的機制,如果捕食者雖然靠的很近但其實沒發現,那麼就不用浪費力氣逃跑,可是相對的會遭遇非常高的風險:萬一被發現就跑不掉了。

雀鷹 (Accipiter nisus)
photo from Eurasian sparrow hawk (wiki)

那麼有意思的事情就發生了。大杜鵑 (Cuculus canorus)眾所皆知,有把蛋下在別人的巢裡,讓別的鳥幫牠孵蛋的行為。有人覺得大杜鵑長的像雀鷹 (Accipiter nisus),早期的科學家認為這是一種貝氏擬態,但後來發現有另一種可能:這些大杜鵑長的像雀鷹,把那些要幫牠孵蛋的鳥嚇走,大杜鵑就能順利的去這些鳥的巢裡下蛋了?

