photo from wiki hoverfly
標題:Do crab spiders perceive Batesian mimicry in hoverflies?
Many putative Batesian mimics only approximately resemble their supposed models, and such “imperfect” mimics are readily distin- guished from defended species by humans and other vertebrates. One explanation for the existence of imperfect mimics is that the most important predators of many mimics have very different sensory and cognitive abilities from those of a typical vertebrate. In such circumstances, selection for more accurate mimicry, as perceived by humans, may be reduced. Little is known, however, about how invertebrate predators perceive and respond to mimicry in insect prey. Here, we investigate the foraging behavior of the crab spider Synema globosum, an important predator of flower-visiting insects at our field site, which frequently encounters both Batesian mimics (hoverflies—Diptera: Syrphidae) and their models (bees and wasps—Hymenoptera). In the field, we found that spiders can distinguish among dipteran and hymenopteran prey taxa, frequently attacking some models and mimics, but avoiding others. Laboratory experi- ments suggest that some apparently accurate mimic taxa are more likely to be avoided when spiders have prior experience of an aver- sive wasp model. Avoidance by spiders of black and yellow striped artificial prey suggests visual cues play a role in prey selection, but there was no evidence that olfactory cues are used to identify dangerous or noxious species. Overall, our results provide some support for the hypothesis that invertebrate predator behavior can generate selection on visual signals in putative Batesian mimics.
photo from wiki Synema globosum
所以有了這個研究,這個研究討論的是圓花葉蛛(蟹蛛科)是否能夠分辨食蚜蠅(mimic)與蜂(model)。研究主要分成視覺與嗅覺兩部分。結果就是嗅覺沒差異但視覺有差異。但有意思的是在獵物的選擇上,野外的觀察發現不是擬態的物種自然不用說被吃的很多,蜂 (wasp)被吃掉的比例比其mimic被吃掉的少,但蜜蜂 (bee)被吃的比例比mimic還高。而在討論如果先經歷了吃model的情況下,其經驗是否會影響後續的獵物選擇,則顯示蟹蛛的確是會避免某些長的相似的獵物。