
北美火焰蠑螈 (Plethodon cinereus)
photo from Salamander Chronicles
photo from Andy Kraemer
標題:Model toxin level does not directly influence the evolution of mimicry in the salamander Plethodon cinereus.


The resemblance between palatable mimics and unpalatable models in Batesian mimicry systems is tempered by many factors, including the toxicity of the model species. Model toxicity is thought to influence both the occurrence of mimicry and the evolution of mimetic phenotypes, such that mimicry is most likely to persist when models are particularly toxic. Additionally, model toxicity may influence the evolution of mimetic phenotype by allowing inaccurate mimicry to evolve through a mechanism termed ‘relaxed selection’. We tested these hypotheses in a salamander mimicry system between the model Notophthalmus viridescens and the mimic Plethodon cinereus, in which N. viridescens toxicity takes the form of tetrodotoxin. Surprisingly, though we discovered geographic variation in model toxin level, we found no support for the hypotheses that model toxicity directly influences either the occurrence of mimicry or the evolution of mimic phenotype. Instead, a link between N. viridescens size and toxicity may indirectly lead to relaxed selection in this mimicry system. Additionally, limitations of predator perception or variation in the rate of phenotypic evolution of models and mimics may account for the evolution of imperfect mimicry in this salamander species. Finally, variation in predator communities among localities or modern changes in environmental conditions may contribute to the patchy occurrence of mimicry in P. cinereus.



photo from Virginia Herpetological Society

這個研究討論的是一個具有河豚神經毒素的北美的火焰蠑螈 (Notophthalmus viridescens)的毒性程度,與牠的擬態者紅背蠑螈 (Plethodon cinereus)間斑紋變化的關係。紅背蠑螈是一個多態型的種類,而火焰蠑螈的毒性在不同地區有所差異,如果上述的理論為真的話,那麼紅背蠑螈在火焰蠑螈毒性比較高的地方擬態會比較沒那麼精準,較低的地方會比較精準。作者分為兩個方向處理,一個是對火焰蠑螈的河豚毒素(tetrodotoxin)定量,一個是從野外捕捉紅背蠑螈,藉由測量反射光譜比較擬態的精準度。




  1. 捕食者的受覺與北美蠑螈間體色的貝氏擬態與警醒程度的關係
  2. 北美的貝氏擬態的蠑螈顯示擬態者也能影響擬態系統的演化方向
