photo: Ornithology |
Avian predators readily learn to associate the warning coloration of aposematic prey with the toxic effects of ingesting them, but they do not necessarily exclude aposematic prey from their diets. By eating aposematic prey ‘educated’ predators are thought to be trading-off the benefits of gaining nutrients with the costs of eating toxins. However, while we know that the toxin content of aposematic prey affects the foraging decisions made by avian predators, the extent to which the nutritional content of toxic prey affects predators’ decisions to eat them remains to be tested. Here,we show that European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) increase their intake of a toxic prey type when the nutritional content is artificially increased, and decrease their intake when nutritional enrichment is ceased. This clearly demonstrates that birds can detect the nutritional content of toxic prey by post-ingestive feedback, and use this information in their foraging decisions, raising new perspectives on the evolution of prey defences. Nutritional differences between individuals could result in equally toxic prey being unequally predated, and might explain why some species undergo ontogenetic shifts in defence strategies. Furthermore, the nutritional value of prey will likely have a significant impact on the evolutionary dynamics of mimicry systems.
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歐洲椋鳥 (Sturnus vulgaris) photo: European Startling (wiki) |
麵包蟲 (Tenebrio molitor) photo from mealwormcare.org |
基於這個想法,作者群就想知道到底捕食者在冒著難以消化的風險與獲得營養的利益間如何取捨,利用歐洲椋鳥(Sturnus vulgaris)與人工調製的餌劑,以行為實驗的設計來瞭解捕食者的取捨。作者的人工餌劑調製為無防禦(0.04ml的水),低營養+防禦(0.02ml 4% 奎寧+0.02ml 水)與高營養+防禦 (0.02ml 4% 奎寧+0.02ml 營養補充劑),將其液體打進麵包蟲(mealworm)中,透過實驗動物的適應與訓練,讓牠們攻擊麵包蟲,實驗進行15次,分為無防禦與有營養獵物兩組,營養組的15次的次序分別是高營養(1-5)、低營養(6-10)、高營養(11-15),如此能得到攻擊次數與學習曲線,分析後就知道捕食者是否能夠分辨不同營養的獵物。
Fig. 1 本實驗中被吃掉的數量與測試序列。三角形為無防禦的獵物,方塊是有防禦的獵物,1-5與11-15是高營養,6-10是低營養 |
Fig. 2 高/低營養的獵物被吃掉的數量比較 |