
photo: Ranitomeya imitator (wiki)/nl

標題:Alkaloid defenses of co-mimics in a putative Müllerian mimetic radiation


Background: Polytypism in aposematic species is unlikely according to theory, but commonly seen in nature. Ranitomeya imitator is a poison frog species exhibiting polytypic mimicry of three congeneric model species (R. fantastica, R. summersi, and two morphs of R. variabilis) across four allopatric populations (a "mimetic radiation"). In order to investigate chemical defenses in this system, a key prediction of Müllerian mimicry, we analyzed the alkaloids of both models and mimics from four allopatric populations.

Results: In this study we demonstrate distinct differences in alkaloid profiles between co-mimetic species within allopatric populations. We further demonstrate that R. imitator has a greater number of distinct alkaloid types than the model species and more total alkaloids in all but one population.

Conclusions: Given that R. imitator is the more abundant species in these populations, R. imitator is likely driving the majority of predator-learned avoidance in these complexes. The success of Ranitomeya imitator as a putative advergent mimic may be a direct result of differences in alkaloid sequestration. Furthermore, we propose that automimicry within co-mimetic species is an important avenue of research.


Fig. 1 作者取樣的族群

精靈箭毒蛙(Ranitomeya imitator)是個多態型的物種,分佈於新熱帶區的核心地帶,也是參與穆氏擬態的一員,各個不同族群參與或帶領不同的擬態群。作者群透過直接測量精靈箭毒蛙的防禦性化學物質,也就是植物鹼 (alkaloid),推測精靈箭毒蛙有沒有可能是各族群穆氏擬態斑紋的領頭羊,如果是的話,結果應該反應精靈箭毒蛙相對數量比較多,而且比較毒。


Fig. 2 各族群的植物鹼組成相似度分析,顯示植物鹼種類在族群間有差異

結果顯示各地族群的植物鹼組成顯著有差異。精靈箭毒蛙除了在Varadero這個地方的族群植物鹼含量少於其擬態者 ,R. fantastica,其他的指標:族群數量,以及植物鹼種類與含量都是精靈箭毒蛙比較高。精靈箭毒蛙在這兩個指標上符合擬態模型的前提,代表牠比較有機會「教育」當地捕食者,基於這個機制,有可能帶領各地區斑紋的演化。

Fig. 3 各地族群的植物鹼種類數比較,精靈箭毒蛙的種類都比較多

Fig. 4 各地族群的植物鹼含量。除了Varadero外,精靈箭毒蛙體內的植物鹼含量較高。

