[Review] 警戒訊號真的忠實反應物種的「警戒」嗎?
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標題:Are aposematic signals honest? A review
We explore the relevance of honest signalling theory to the evolution of aposematism. We begin with a general consideration of models of signal stability, with a focus on the Zahavian costly signalling framework. Next, we review early models of signalling in the context of aposematism (some that are consistent and some inconsistent with costly honest signalling). We focus on controversies surrounding the idea that aposematic signals are handicaps in a Zahavian framework. Then, we discuss how the alignment of interests between signaller and predator influences the evolution of aposematism, highlight the distinction between qualitative and quantitative honesty and review theory and research relevant to these categories. We also review recent theoretical treatments of the evolution of aposematism that have focused on honest signalling as well as empirical research on a variety of organisms, including invertebrates and frogs. Finally, we discuss future directions for empirical and theoretical research in this area.
基本上,警戒性分為「訊號」與「防禦」,就演化歷程來說, 無論哪種特徵的出現都必須有相當的「花費」(cost),如果先演化出了訊號很有用,那麼還會需要在花費更多的力氣出現防禦嗎?如果這訊號反而吸引攻擊,那不就白花這些能量?因此也有科學家的看法認為警戒性本身是種「殘障」,不管做什麼都受限,而且必須花費巨大的演化機會投資在警戒性的演化上。
這篇回顧就在討論警戒性到底是不是確實的反應物種的防禦,以及從博奕理論(game theory)的觀點,辯證物種在警戒性的演化上的花費與收穫的平衡,最後加上實際研究過的例子(箭毒蛙與無脊椎動物)來佐證,整理上來說篇幅雖然很長,但讀完能對警戒性的演化有更進階的概念。