[Article] Metriorrhynchus屬(鞘翅目:紅螢科)的擬態斑紋之演化歷史
原文標題:Evolution of mimicry patterns in Metriorrhynchus (Coleoptera: Lycidae): The history of dispersal and speciation in Southeast Asia
摘要 [原文網址]
The concept of Müllerian mimicry suggests convergent evolution to an intermediate pattern and does not predict polymorphism in mimicry rings. We examined the evolution of mimicry patterns and the order of divergence of various factors, including the role of aposematic patterns in speciation, in a clade of net-winged beetles with a robust phylogeny that suggests that they dispersed from the Australian to Asian plate. We found strong evidence for the evolution of mimicry via advergence inMetriorrhynchus because older patterns are represented in the Oriental region within more than 100 species of lycids from several lineages. Advergence was likely the cause of the observed intraspecific polymorphism in contrast to the predicted universal monomorphism. Polymorphism was found in populations of two species in Sumatra and Borneo and in populations fine-tuned to subtle variants in various habitats. The advergence is likely to be based on the small population sizes of immigrants. The differences in population sizes result in much higher benefits for dispersing species than native populations. Speciation was trigged by the divergence in aposematic coloration, and the genetic differences accumulated slowly during incomplete isolation. We assumed that the differentiation in genitalia through sexual selection ultimately reinforced speciation initiated by the shift between mimicry patterns.
紅螢是個全世界分布的東西,主要分布在熱帶與亞熱帶,很多的觀察都指出紅螢似乎是個很有用的樣式,諸如一些鱗翅目(如榕蛾)、半翅目(某些星椿)與鞘翅目(如蓬萊紅天牛、金花蟲),都可以看到像是紅螢的影子。紅螢的防禦來自於自體分泌的吡嗪類化合物(pyrazines)與紅螢酸(lycidic acid),這類物質對於大部分的捕食者而言是很有效的避忌物。
多態型 (polymorphism)
文章 (Article)
紅螢 (Lycidae)
種化 (speciation)
穆氏擬態 (Müllerian mimicry)
系統發生學 (phylogenetics)