[Article] 捕食者對於警戒色多態型燈蛾的選汰強度與方向

原文標題:Direction and strength of selection by predators for the color of the aposematic wood tiger moth

摘要 [原文連結]

Conventionally, predation is assumed to select for conspicuousness and uniformity of warning signals in aposematic (i.e., chemically defended and warning signaling) prey because this enhances predators' initial and learned avoidance. On the other hand, it has been suggested that both variation in the background where the signal is displayed as well as variation in predators' probability to attack defended prey may favor intermediate signals or relax selection for signal monomorphism. We studied the direction and strength of selection for the hind wing color (orange vs. red) of female Parasemia plantaginis moths. Birds found the moths aversive and avoided them by sight both in laboratory and field experiments. A laboratory experiment with great tits showed that birds can discriminate between orange and red wings and attack red females less than orange females. This directional selection should decrease variation in hind wing color. However, the hind wing color did not significantly affect the “survival” of dead specimens under natural field conditions in a multipredator community. In addition, even though both orange and red were highly conspicuous against green leaves and silver birch trunks (backgrounds used in the studies), the magnitude of avian-perceived chromatic contrast (conspicuousness) differed against these backgrounds. Our results suggest that depending on the signal environment (background, predator community) directional selection for the warning signal monomorphism can be relaxed.

先介紹一下本篇所使用的物種Parasemia plantaginis(燈蛾科),廣泛分布於舊北區,食草廣泛,在大英的寄主資料庫中查到取食杜鵑花科、蓼科、車前草科、樺木科與菊科,而這種類似乎隨著食草不同,體內的防禦與免疫程度也會跟著變動。翅紋如上圖所示,後翅包含從紅色到接近黃色的多態型(圖中皆為雌性),對照組則使用的是wax moth(螟蛾科)。

這篇文章就是在討論如果警戒色本身有變化的話,那麼捕食者會如何應對,或是那個顏色本身就是比較有效的,天擇的壓力會不會傾向哪邊比較有利等等。實驗分為幾個部分,第一個部分是確認這個蛾的警戒色到底有多有效,這個部分使用的捕食者是pied flycatcher(見下圖);第二個部分是捕食者對於這個蛾的避忌記憶的速率(也就是測試多快會記得),這個部分使用的捕食者是大山雀(great tits);第三個部分則是將這些蛾放到野外去做實驗,測試對於野外的鳥類是否會避忌。

pied flycatcher


